Health Technology Update: Robot gets FDA approval to roam hospital halls Mitch GennusoJanuary 30, 2013Comment
Professor Seeking “Adventurous Woman” to Carry a Neanderthal Baby… Really??? Mitch GennusoJanuary 29, 2013Comment
Free Speech and Pharmaceutical Manufactures: Ramifications for Health Care Mitch GennusoJanuary 16, 2013Comment
Retracted Scientific Studies and What that Means for the Consumer Mitch GennusoJanuary 4, 2013Comment
How Can we Protect Individuals from being Duped by Fraudulent Stem Cell Clinics? Mitch GennusoDecember 19, 2012Comment
Taking Charge of Your Healthcare: Fill Out an Advance Directive Mitch GennusoDecember 17, 2012Comment