About EthAssist

Training made simple

EthAssist LCMS Overview

EthAssist is a patent-pending e-knowledge software/service using 21st century technology. Our first-to-market software features pre-built formats for integrating up-to-date, expert, external content with your assets, policies, and standards to provide customized, on-demand training and on-the-job decision support for your employees working in regulated environments. We’ve built in relevant information, incorporated successful instructional design, and utilized technical expertise to help you manage daily talent development, decision-making, and compliance, and attain operational excellence.


Re-useable learning 

Reusable Learning Objects or RLOs for short are self-contained building blocks of education built around a single subject matter. Designed for 21st century learners, information is delivered in short, three to five minute bursts of information. Also known as “Microlearning,” the reusable learning object (RLO) strategy provides a process and framework used to create and deliver learning experiences that support the needs of every client from academia to the hospital.

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There are tools built into EthAssist®, ready for you to use right now. Flexible and customizable, these tools help our clients build successful learning environments that can transform their classroom experiences, organizational culture, and make their lives easier.

Built upon our e-learning platform, EthAssist, our tools provide integration, application, tracking, and oversight of this knowledge for daily use in many types of organizations and facilities.

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EthAssist enables those responsible for education and training (academic or professional ) to build a customized curriculum or modify existing ones by selecting from hundreds of reusable learning objects (RLOs)

Lessons can be customized from ICBioethics' prebuilt templates or customized to fit your designed curriculum. Send us your syllabus and we can help you decide where content can best fit. In most cases EthAssist lessons replace a textbook.